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Defining Success

We need a simple definition of success that we can apply to our day-to-day life – that we can use to answer the question: right now, today, am I successful?

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Build Discipline

In times of struggle, it becomes increasingly hard to do the things we know we should do. We need the ability to do the right thing purely for the sake of doing it.

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The Power of Seasons

We can all be affected by the seasons – and not just seasons of weather. We each have our personal “seasons.”

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Find the Courage to Submit Your Writing

Is something holding you back from sending your writing to editors? When you understand the whole process the right way, you’ll see that there’s really nothing to be afraid of.

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Sometimes, on our way from one thing to another, we find ourselves perched precariously in some odd position that we would not have chosen to be in, but there we are.

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It's Okay to Be Alone

We live in a society that equates being alone with being less valuable. If we don’t have a crowd around us, we’re supposed to think we’re unsuccessful.

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How to Make Your Writing Goals Stick This Time

If you’ve had trouble sticking with your goals in the past, you might want to look at goal-setting differently.

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Starting Over Again - Again

Sometimes we have to try something new – even if the old isn’t done yet. Here’s why starting over isn’t a bad thing, even if we have to do it again and again.

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